Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Back in business

I lied.

We aren't quite in Moscow yet, but thanks to some awesome families who came before us, we found a cafe with free wi-fi! In mid May, an American couple came to this area of Russia for a business trip. Along the way, they met the American couples here to adopt. They started a notebook of local resturaunts, shops, attractions, helpful tips/tricks, in hopes of making the trips of those that come after easier. Needless to say, we have located a cafe with an English menu, American music (top 40 stuff), free wi-fi, and friendly service. Life is good again.

We have been here for 8 days now. We are told we will take the boys from the orphanage on Friday the 21st. We were supposed to get them on Monday the 24th, but the orphanage does not allow visits on the weekends or Mondays, so it will have to be earlier...oh darn :)

The boys are doing well, growing and bonding more everyday. Rowan still thinks Steve is the hairy, scary monster, and cries for the first half hour of each visit. He did look at Steve and acknowledge him as pappa today, which is more than the kid has done all week. I was actually able to get him to laugh and smile quite a bit today, and he was talking up a storm. He is definately locked in a shell that takes a while to open.

Sam still thinks that every woman he sees is momma. It also makes it hard for me to bond with him because I've spent so much time with Rowan. Rowan has to be within a hand reach of me at all times, which makes it hard to chase a 3 year old all over the place.

Steve and I are doing well also. The hotel we are staying at this time is much nicer than the hotel we stayed at in April. Our hotel now is in the business section of town, so the accomidations and location are more geared towards business travelers. This hotel has a full size tub, so Steve can actually take a shower. For why this is important, reference here. It's amazing what accomidations will do for ones emotional state.

At some point, probably over the coming weeks or once we get back, we will chronical each day. Stay tuned as the adventures from this trip completely shadow the adventures from the last trip.


snobound said...

We need something....anything....it's Saturday now - do you have the boys yet??? When are you coming home??? When will we see some photos??? So many questions.... :-D