Friday, August 7, 2009

The room

As promised, photos of Sam and Rowan's room. We went Dr. Seuss themed, inspired by some furniture we found at IKEA. While we didn't end up going with that set (we are on a budget), we made it work. I think the boys will like it.

And what's a Dr. Suess room without the Cat in the Hat, a couple of things, Horton, and the Lorax.


Anonymous said...

I love it! Trofast storage rocks! Of course, ours is all girly with white and pink.

Genny said...

The room looks fabulous. Nothing like my old room with the ladybugs...LOL!!!

Melody said...

I love that room!! (Hi there, I found your blog months ago from This is Reverb, I believe ;) ) Such a cute idea! Did you guys draw the artwork or do it another way? How awesome that will be for your sweet boys. :) I was curious if you'll be bringing the Dr. Seuss books with to pick them up so that they can be familiar with the character faces so it's extra special for them when they first see their room? I can't wait for them to come home with you guys!

Tracie said...

Sent your way by This is Reverb. Awesome bedroom for your boys! I'm guessing you're home now with your boys?

Congratulations. We spend 35 days in Ukraine adopting 2 children in February. Then returned after a 10 day trip home to get them. Spent another week in Ukraine and FINALLY got home with them March 24th.

The adjustment has been hard, but we are rounding the bend and getting in a grove.

I know you don't know me from Adam, but if you ever need anything let me know.

Tracie Loux
International House of Prayer
Kansas City, MO